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Poor Pitiful Pants

October 29, 2014

I have a kidney cat now. Every day in the evening I entice Pants to the bathroom with delicious treats where Adam jabs him with a giant needle so that he can get the fluids he needs. We sit there for about 3 minutes while I feed him treats and Penny sneaks her paw under the door for snacks. Pants is pretty good about getting subcutaneous fluids, but probably because it means he gets treats. We really do hope it makes him feel better. Kidney stones suck.

He’s been home since last Wednesday and it’s been so awesome to love on him. On Friday he had a checkup to retest his values. I was so so freaked out! I couldn’t eat or sleep, and just stared at Pants with scrutiny imagining new behaviors and phantom sad looks. I was absolutely convinced that he was going to die, that his numbers would be in the tank and he’d have to stay in the kitty hospital/prison for another week. To my surprise though, his numbers were even better than when he was discharged on Wednesday! His bloodwork is now normal, the high end of normal, but normal none the less! My vet friend Kristie thought for sure he was going to die and was trying to prepare me for the worst. She was surprised, it’s always good when a vet is surprised (in a good way) I’ve decided. As my tiny little animal hospital said, “treat the kitty, not the numbers.”

Talk about an emotional roller coaster! We went from one vet wanting us to put him to sleep, to another vet saying he seemed like he was in acute crisis and she hydrated him for a week. Now he’s home and we have a new normal that revolves around needles and pills and nasty tasting kitty meds. I’ll take the new normal if it means Pants feels better and I get to love him for a little longer. Pets are people too.

Can someone get on a Doug style translator so my cat and I can talk? Thanks!

Worst Week

October 23, 2014

This week was just THE WORST. I woke up last Wednesday morning with my cat Pants on my head (as usual) and since I am always around cats I am very well aquatinted with cat breath. This morning however, instead of the normal stinky tuna breath  of a heathy kitty, I noticed a very strong smell of ammonia coming from Pants. I am no doctor to be sure, but I am a strange receptacle of all things medical. I remember weird medical factoids and never forget them. I think there me a special part of my brain that is always harboring an unfulfilled desire to go into medicine. So right away… my spidey sense blares alarm bells, goes through my memory bank and comes out with “ammonia breath= kidney failure”. With that thought my normal morning turned into a freak out as I google-fu’d my diagnosis and confirmed my worst fears- yes, kidney failure does indeed make ones breath smell like ammonia.

EMERGENCY though? It’s kind of hard to tell with cat’s, and Pants was acting mostly fine- maybe drinking more than usual, but still purring, playing and peeing. It was early and I didn’t know where to go. So I took Pants to this vet that he hates, and I am not particularly fond of right down the street from me. I wasn’t aware that this vet didn’t have on-site lab results and had to send away for Pant’s blood values. He said I would have to leave him overnight because he seemed dehydrated. So I said okay and came back later in the evening to say goodnight. When I came in at 6pm later that day Pants was squashed so far into the corner of his cage I think he was trying to merge with it. He wouldn’t look up at our voices and was hooked up to an IV. I didn’t know what to expect, but maybe he just really doesn’t like the vet.

The vet called us the next day at 10am and said we needed to come in so he could talk to us. So when we got there we had a feeling bad things were afoot. The vet told us our kitty was very sick, showed us his blood values and. specifically, the values pertaining to kidney function (BUN and Creatinine). In healthy kitties, the range for BUN is 35 and creatinine is 0.6-2.5. Pant’s blood values for BUN were 198 and Creatinine was 20.7. That’s bad. Very bad, that’s dead kidney’s bad, that’s your cat is going to die bad. So the vet says that we need to euthanize him and he’ll give us a few minutes to decide. HELL NO. I guess I was not prepared for that outcome, I thought maybe he had some crappy kidney values or IBS I didn’t think I’d have to put my best friend to sleep right then and there. With very little information from this vet OR further testing I just was not having it. He told us there was no hope of recovery, that Pants was too sick and that “yes, we could do an IV at home, but it’s expensive” As if money would preclude us from tying to save our friend. Crazy. So we took Pants home where he ate like a maniac and drank a bunch of water. I made an appointment at another vet that our friend Beth, and really about 6 other friends told us to go to.

I want to mention this pet hospital because they’ve been so wonderful- So shout out to Los Feliz Small Animal Hospital! They took Pants in and calmed Adam and I down. Dr. Meriwether was super sweet, told us “yes, those blood values are really terrible BUT, Pant’s is acting alert, active, eating and drinking which leads me to believe that this could be an acute kidney issue or perhaps an infection.” They retested his values and 20 minutes later we were somewhat relieved to know that his numbers were down by half of what they were- at the very least moving in the right direction. The doc said he’d probably be in for a 5 day hospital stay so that they could hydrate the crap out of him and flush his kidneys, and hopefully he could bounce back. The doctor told us that despite those scary values, cat’s are very resilient creatures and to think of the now- Pant’s is doing okay now, we don’t need to think about euthanasia unless he’s not responding to treatments. Besides, there are more tests to be done before we could know what was really happening in his body.

They shaved his belly and did an ultrasound on his kidneys. He has a giant kidney stone in his left kidney which seems to be the cause of all this upset, and unfortunately the right kidney seems to have succumbed to the fate of kidney stones some time ago. So while he is a very sick guy, it doesn’t totally mean he’s going to die tomorrow. He is on a special diet for sad kidneys and the same formula will help disolve the stone over time. There isn’t a great test to see how much kidney function is remaining in Pants, so it’s really just a wait and see process at this point.

So 7 days after I smelled ammonia breath is kidney values are back within a manageable range. They’re still high with BUN at 43 and Creatinine at 3.5… but no where NEAR where they were. So our best friend came home last night with a bag of IV fluids, a new diet and some antibiotics. He’s SO happy to be home! purrs, love, head-butts and snuggles all night long. I am in heaven. I don’t think I have ever been so worried about anything, I have an emotional attachment to that hairy little shit-rat like you wouldn’t believe. He slept on my head (as usual) and all 4 of us- Adam, me, Pants and Penny passed out in the glory you see illustrated above.

Pants has the worst haircut ever, he’s probably mortified. Belly shaved, neck shaved, front legs shaved… oh man it’s hilarious and I can’t stop scrambling his pink cat boobs. And of course am totally fine with them draped across my eyeballs while sleeping. Even shaved cat belly is better than no cat belly.

So we check up on his blood this Friday and we’ve got everything crossed that his kidney values can be managed at home. Putting a giant needle in your cat’s neck at home first thing in the morning is weird. Just saying. I don’t care, I love him too much to not try everything I can do to help him stick around for a while longer.


Edward safety-scissor-hands

October 15, 2014

Dawww… Inktober 15 with a combo of Sketch_Dailies. Baby Edward is cuute. Pen and ink yo.

Johanna Goanna

October 14, 2014

I was in Europe for two weeks. Since it’s Inktober I thought I’d start my first post back on my site as lucky No. 13. Nothing fancy here! Just an brush pen drawing with some photoshop washes. Easy peasy.



Nautical naping

September 23, 2014

Summer is ending guys! Nooooo. I have spent so much time at the beach this year. Living in sunny southern California has it’s perks and it’s actually pretty rare that I GO to the beach even though it’s so close. I usually just go, read a book and take a nap. Then get horribly burnt. Yay!


This is inspired by my friend and co-worker Staci. She’s a sassy ginger. I just imagine her reading a book on baking while baking in the sun, she’s prolific like that.



Makeup monday: Scarab eyes

September 22, 2014

Oh look a Makeup Monday. I am not a total failure on the makeup front. I loved how this turned out. Honestly it’s pretty subtle just wandering around on the street, though I suppose a close encounter would get a “hey ma’am your eyeliner is bangin!” Obviously by another chick who like, really likes makeup.


I used the Sephora Collection Color Spectrum palette. It’s kind of a shit palette to be honest with you. Pretty colors, but they pretty much have no pigment when you finally get them to your eyes. I applied most of these wet so that I got color out of them. I over-lined my lips which I have deduced makes me look weird. I have a tiny mouth. I’ll just deal with it from now on. That is all. Carry on.



Vespas are boss

September 21, 2014

You know what’s great about painting a yellow Vespa? Actually HAVING a yellow Vespa for reference. I love riding it. I don’t have a car! I go to and from work or really anywhere else locally I need to be. Its a ton of fun, you know unless it’s raining, then it’s significantly less fun.

I started this little painting last night and got sick of it after a while. It’s technically unfinished and I think it might stay that way. I just don’t feel like painting on it anymore. Close enough…


An inky blustery day

September 19, 2014

I ended up with this Moleskine watercolor sketchbook. It’s honestly not my fave, though I do love that brand. They didn’t have any open samples at the store and instead of being practical and opening the plastic on one, I bought the sketchbook all willy-nilly. I do like watercolors, but am not crazy about toothy watercolor paper, especially in a sketchbook. The paper feels clunky and absorbs too much ink and color. I like when the ink kind of pools on your paper and can be built up without leaving defined lines. So I am not all that pleased with how this ink sketch turned out. You can see my red lines and I don’t much care for that. Also my paper is not yellow. These are the dangers of working in incandescent light.

Anywhosen. India ink and water. I will try and do another ink sketch tomorrow on different paper. :)

Destiny >:|

September 18, 2014

I like video games, but mostly the adventure types; Skyrim, Zelda, mostly Skyrim. My husband likes games A LOT, he plays them nearly erryday. I don’t really mind, I have drawings to do or cats to annoy- you know, important things.

He recently started playing Destiny and to my severe annoyance- he can’t pause the game. “I’ll die!” he says, which is presumably true since it takes place online… even though you’re not playing with anyone. Things like kitchen fires, cat attacks, laundry, and cooking be dammed.

So I just have to say-


Sketchbook musings

September 17, 2014

I’ve been super busy lately. I took a little break from posting yesterday and it was nice. I did start something, but didn’t end up finishing it. I had a doctors appointment which took half the day and after it was over I was just not into doing anything. I do however have a lot of sketches in my book. So here is a little compilation of doodles from a page. Some good, some bad, some meh. Just keep drawing just keep drawing, drawing drawing drawing.


