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A lesson & a Mermaid

August 5, 2014

Value  is much more important than color. If your values aren’t correct then your colors will be a mess. I often make a hue/saturation layer on top of whatever I am working on. I use it as a guide by turning it on and off during the duration of a painting, especially in a really saturated and chromatic painting such as this one. Checking the value can keep you on target for an interesting piece of art.

I started this little painting by keeping to a limited palette, of course if you have lava in your painting it means you’re not going to be doing a whole lot besides a limited palette! I went through a series of color shifts to see if my color were the most interesting for the composition. As you can see, other colors will work as well, but I like the orange violet the best.

I also thought maybe line work fish would look cool, but it make the composition way to busy in my opinion.


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Suck it in!

August 5, 2014

I may or may not ALSO do this as a women. We all want to look our best, yes?

Super fast drawing of the day. I so desperately want to get better at this drawing thing. There are some things I am great at, like designing props or vehicles or isometric views of a ride path, but yet don’t show the same level of skill for expressive drawings. I also function as an artistic chameleon, able to mimic many other styles to fit a project. I sort of feel like I don’t have my own expression. Maybe that’s okay!  I see SO many amazing artists on tumblr, twitter and Instagram, I feel like I need to up my game so I am not embarrassed to post a drawing!


Sailor Mermaid

August 1, 2014

Sailor Mermaid? Moonmaid? Sometimes you just need to do some fan art. I didn’t want to copy the style of sailor moon so I made it my own, and obviously a mermaid. If you’re a fan of Sailor moon enjoy!


July 31, 2014

Today’s twitter Sketch_Daily was a zombie. So that’s exactly what I did.

Sassy Boots

July 31, 2014

I was having a great time with the brushes from earlier I thought I would do more. I am not an animator, though I do work for Disney. What I do is design things for themeparks. It generally means drawing ride vehicles, working on scene timing, ride layouts, concept and pitch art for new attractions and beat boards showing what it would be like to experience said ride or attraction. I really love what I do for a living, I mean, get to travel and ride rides and collect a paycheck. Is it really a job!? Since most of what I do is such a fast turn around, there is very little time for rendered artwork or taking your time on anything. Occasionally we get more time for a piece (called hero art) and at best, you get two weeks to complete the assignment. As an artist, I have become very good at drawing quickly and communicating designs and intent… and as a consequence I am NOT a good painter anymore. I just don’t have the luxury of time. In addition for us here at Imagineering our creativity is limited by reality… meaning physics, what can be built and the material properties of building materials and paint. Our art needs to express these parameters, therefore the art at Imagineering is more akin to work you’d see at an architecture firm. It presents a set of challenges that video games or animation don’t face.

I thought I would try my hand at a more animation-y style. I can’t tell if it’s terrible or cute. I know the colors aren’t great. Maybe if I keep at it I’ll do better. Perhaps I should look at REFERENCE next time!

Strategically Placed Fin

July 30, 2014

I downloaded some wonderful brushes from Disney Story Artist Shiyoon Kim. They’re very rough and sketchy. Perfect for that neat vintage 1960’s sort of look. I love the brushes, they’re very versatile and can aid in creating a modern, retro or more textural feel for your digital drawings- which admittedly is hard to accomplish at times. If you’d like to download your own you can find them HERE. They’re $10 which is a steal since an artists Photoshop brushes are their bread n’ buttah.

Tombow Marker Mermaid

July 29, 2014

I did a HUGE amount of these Tombow marker drawings a few years ago. I finally got around to scanning them. If you’ve never used a Tombow marker they’re a bit like sumi ink or a brush pen, well, technically they are a brush pen. It helps a drawing be loose with several different line weights. Obviously with no ability to erase you have to commit to a drawing. I prefer to draw with the warm gray Tombow and then adjust the channels in Photoshop later so make it darker. Today I chose blue, because Mermaids that’s why.

This works best as a drawing. I tried to go back in and paint one of these guys today and it just sucked the life out of the gestural quality. I am a much better drawer than painter. I should work on that…

Another Clibe Mermaid

July 28, 2014

This program is really awesomesauce. You should try it out if you have an iPad.

Fashion Under the Sea

July 28, 2014

Super quick drawing this morning in photoshop. Gotta get warmed up before I draw a new ride ;)  Big hair, big bellies.

Do you have this seasons clam bra?

A School of Fish

July 26, 2014

I’ve always liked the ocean. It’s a neat place, so full of mystery. Some of the strangest alien life lives in it’s depths, so vast is it that we know more about the surface of Mars than we do about the biodiversity in the ocean. While I was working in Hawaii one of my all time favorite things to do in the mornings, on lunch break or after work was to go to this amazing place all the locals called secret beach. I swear that it had some of the most amazing snorkeling on all of Oahu. I think there were only three instances where I didn’t swim with a sea turtle. If you’re ever at Aulani- go towards the Campbell’s estate… follow the train tracks and when you see the giant banyan tree, stop there and go snorkeling . You won’t regret it.

I was just having a bit of fun with this. It didn’t take long, but I like the graphic quality of it. I work so often on things that need to be constructed it’s nice to play every once in a while and rediscover drawing. Drawing on a Wacom tablet (which I did this with) is soooo much different from my usual Cintiq. I feel like I have no control.