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Punk Rock

September 15, 2014

I used to be into punk. True story. In high school I had pink spiky hair and I thought I was THE coolest listening to Operation Ivy, sporting ripped jeans, chucks, and safety pins on my Jansport backpack. Which all things considered was kind of hilarious. Kids are dumb, myself included. Ah well, here is a punk inspired girl. I don’t even know if she’d be considered punk… maybe sexy modern nouveau punk. I’m going to call her that anyway and there is nothing you can do ’bout it.




September 15, 2014

I just went to a lovely wedding in Las Vegas over the weekend. I am not a big fan of Vegas as a place, actually scratch that, if there is one place on earth I would be pleased as punch to not visit again it would be Las Vegas. I am however a fan of love, and friends, and weddings. So there we have it! To Vegas I went and attended a very sweet wedding with some very sweet people. Congratulations!


Figured I would update the proper blog. I have been updating Instagram, tumblr and twitter while I was gone.  So here is one for the site. It’s nothing crazy. Little lady with a little pose. And back to the grind!



Extreme fart breath mornings

September 8, 2014

Penny REALLY likes to wake us up in the mornings. You’d think the panic that she displays at her (nearly) empty food bowl would be somewhat eased by the fact that she’s still alive. Unfortunately it has not passed through her sesame seed sized brain that we wont let her starve. It’s annoying. She wails each morning with increasing (fur)vor until one of us gets up- or is able to hurl a pillow at her with tomahawk missile precision. It’s especially annoying when she gets on your chest and buh-geows in your face at close range. She has extreme fart breath, occasionally I’ve been unlucky enough to take a Penny yawn to the face. I have strong gag reflexes.

She doesn’t have dental issues. I got her pearlies inspected, she just has extreme fart breath. Good thing she is sweet lady and that we love her.  She’s a character.



10 minute photoshop drawrin’


Mermaid party

September 8, 2014

Adam was watching really terrible TV last night, lets just say I had some time to doodle. These are some very pretty co-workers and fellow Imagineers. I added some fluff to them ;P I mean c’mon, I have a site called the chubby mermaid!

I cropped the bejesus out of this thing. I didn’t want to draw a background. LAZY!




Turtle power

September 8, 2014

I’ve been drawing in my sketchbook a lot lately. It’s nice. My drawings are improving I think. I like just simple little red-line sketches in a book. They’re so easy and it’s less stressful than trying to make the time for a painting… not that I do many of those.


Tombow, col-erase, digi color washes

ursula the sea witch

September 8, 2014

More sketchbook sketches. I always liked Ursula the sea witch, she has such presence. I think she might have been unlucky in love to have turned into such a cantankerous sea witch. Maybe her “garden” of poor unfortunate souls were really big jerks that deserved it. I’m willing to give her the benefit of the doubt.

Tombow, col-erase, and Faber Castell brush pens.

All the things are sore

September 5, 2014

For reals though… sweet tap dancing Moses am I sore. I went to CrossFit 2 days in a row. Now that isn’t that big of a deal and normal for me, but ooouccchhh. The last two workouts were really hard. I am basically a little puddle of mush laying on the floor now. So here is a drawing. This is the only position that doesn’t hurt. Don’t forget to roll out!

Plate Coral Maiden

September 4, 2014

It’s been a few since I’ve drawn a chubby mermaid, so here we go!

Done on real paper, with real markers, and real red pencil. Craaaazyyyy. I actually LOVE LOVE LOVE drawing in sketchbooks, it’s just that usually I am at my desk or laptop and photoshop means no messes.

Does anyone else have problems with finishing a sketchbook? I swear I have 40 just laying around randomly with only the first 3 pages filled in. Maybe I just like buying sketchbooks because it makes me think of potential drawings… and I just never get around to them.

ALRIGHT. Quit twisting my arm, I will fill one up this year.


Landscape studies

September 1, 2014

Last thursday at Imagineering we had the most amazing lecture by Nathan Fowkes. If you haven’t see his painting or been to a lecture you should. It was so inspiring that I am going to make it a point to implement his concepts into my own work. His mastery of value and color are just fantastic. He composes with light and shadow and everything he does is painfully good. So good in fact that while watching his lecture I thought to myself “shit, I will never ever be this good.” Obviously that’s not the right way to look at things. I will just need more milage. I don’t paint a lot, I mostly draw, and most of my drawings are almost technical and based on things that will eventually need to be built. So there is that… But you know what, I would like to be kick ass at everything.

These are two 20 minutes landscape studies from photos of Sedona Arizona. I think the comp on top needs to be simplified more, it got away from me. It was part of what Nathan was saying about picking what’s important in your artwork. There isn’t really a focal area in it. Live and learn, or in this case, paint and learn.

Carry on,

Tortoise table

August 30, 2014

So I’m getting two baby tortoises and I am pretty excited about it! The tortoises are hatchlings so they’re pretty tiny. The both of them will be able to fit in my hand. Photos to come soon, but I won’t get them until Tuesday. I will also have to apply for the necessary permits to be a good and responsible Tortoise mom with the department of fish and game. Since the California Desert Tortoise is a protected species the little guys will be tagged and registered with the state of California. :)

Part of being a good pet owner is providing your critter with appropriate animal enrichment. In the wild they would get a wide variety of flora to munch on, dirt to dig in, shelter, and would eventually find a place to hibernate for the colder months in the desert. Since these two fellas (or ladies) will be captive, I have to provide the appropriate housing. Being me… I am not a big fan of ugly stuff. If my tortoises want animal enrichment- they better enjoy it to the theme of Frank Lloyd Wright! I Imagineered this little mockup in Photoshop so that I can prepare for making a fashionable tortoise box this weekend. The new family additions will have a spacious sandbox with some turf, a few edible plants, themed food dishes and a shelter/hibernation box inspired by a famous architectural style of Frank Lloyd Wright.

I’ll have my work cut out for me. I not only have build a box, model a modernist home, make fake trees and pick up reptile sand- I have to line the box in plastic for easy cleaning, and rig a heat lamp into the little building I’m creating. No straight heat lamp for this household. Party on little dudes.

Here is some cool info on the tortoises!

The California desert tortoise is a native species here. I grew up in the Mojave desert in California and later moved to Lake Havasu City Arizona. While turtles were not common they would sometimes make an appearance on hikes. More than likely you’d find a hollowed out shell. Some predation had taken place at some point when the turtle was still small and vulnerable. They are a threatened species, but a species that has made some progress! They have made it off of the endangered list and are now listed as “vulnerable.” Progress is progress right!

This particular species grows very slowly and unlike their Galapagos brethren don’t get massive. They remain rather petite by tortoise standards ranging from a foot to a foot and a half. They can live up to 80 years in captivity. They’er a neat little species that burros and can survive in climates of up to 140 degrees fahrenheit. That’s pretty dang hot. I think the worst it ever got in the desert when I was a kid was 132. I’d imagine these guys would hang out in their burrow until it cooled off to a balmy 117 at night. Rough life, but they’re adapted perfectly to it! They can store up to 40% of their weight in their bladder. Imagine going to life constantly having to pee… but if you did it means dehydration. Weird.
