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Scuba Cat

August 19, 2014

Quick update at lunch. I have a very awesome friend that loves kitties probably even MORE than I do… which I admit is no small feat. I drew her as a mermaid with her scuba kitty Leondegrance. I call him ‘Leondegrance in his underpants’ when I see him in a sing-song fashion or Leotard because he’s objectively kind of a naughty kitty. BUT CUTE, and fuzzy, which is pretty much all it takes for me to like something!


August 18, 2014

So I am entering a two week brainstorm session. This means 8-5 all day meetings around a light table. It means I have NO idea how I am going to draw anything blog related. I guess this is what lunch is for. So in essence I have the next 9 minutes to pump out a drawing, eat lunch and write a blog post. Good thing I am fast. So this is my office. It sums up pretty much exactly how I feel about Mondays. Like… oh you have work to do? Too bad, Ima watch cat videos until my eyes bleed.

This cycle repeats itself every Monday and sometimes Friday. Since I am in an all day meeting THIS Monday, I feel funny and like I might need a hug.

Part of your world

August 15, 2014

Fish Biscuits is the little mermaid that no one wanted to make a movie out of. She has a winning personality though.

Mermaid Maladies

August 14, 2014

Mermaid maladies and other deformities. Fish Biscuits could have friends… but she’s generally less attractive than they are, except maybe Sea Pig.


August 12, 2014

You know how you get fixated on something? That’s me today. I feel like if I don’t have a cupcake I might just give up on life. That is all. 10 mins in photoshop brought you this gem.

Bad Hair Day

August 11, 2014

Bad hair days under the seas. Clam shell compact. Some Monday’s just never feel right.

Poor Fish Biscuits

August 8, 2014

Why mermaids? Once I saw a fat mermaid on a guys arm. I liked it. I’ve been drawing chubby mermaids since. It became a thing, now it’s a blog. Actually I’m not even entirely that excited about the concept of mermaids, but it IS an excuse to make me draw and update regularly. Tiiiiime to start a comic I think.

It’s going to be called Poor Fish Biscuits. We’ll see how long it lasts.

Fish Biscuits

August 8, 2014

I’m all grown I’ll do what I want!